Erinna / 85

Clay / 80

Steve / 41

Ross / 33

Will Bourne / 29

Will / 28

CatO / 27

Louise / 16

Al / 14

Owen / 14

Becky / 13

Matt Blackmore / 13

Dylan / 9

Rebecca / 9

Rob W-M / 9

Tom Carvell / 9

Joe / 8

Steve Gibbs / 8

DaveO / 6

Martin / 6

Ros / 6

Adam / 5

Doug / 5

Harry Kingston / 5

Cameron / 4

Craig / 4

Eleri / 4

Elliott / 4

Emily Roo / 4

Julie / 4

Lina / 4

Rory / 4

Simon Bilton / 4

Ben / 3

Liv / 3

Mads / 3

Matt / 3

Matt Traver / 3

Moffatt / 3

Naomi / 3

Neil Cox / 3

Rob Squires / 3

Sam Rose / 3

Al Begley / 2

Anja / 2

Chris / 2

Dave Bird / 2

Evelyn / 2

Ita / 2

Jess / 2

Martha / 2

Pete / 2

Show everyone else
Grandlspitz, Hochkönig
Apr 26th 2019

Grandlspitz Kletterski

One final adventure to finish of a week with the boys, and so I returned to the Grandlspitz klettersteig for my first proper kletterski combo. We were a little nervous about the continuity of the late season snow patches, so climbed the route in crampons and ski boots but left our skis below - a wise decision given the huge gaps in the snowfield on the descent. However, the walk down was still the most dangerous part of the route, with a huge runout below. It would be probably been much safer on skis after all!

Attersee, Salzkammergut
Apr 25th 2019

Attersee Klettersteig

Back to Attersee for a second consecutive day, this time for a lap of the 1.2km long klettersteig on the huge north facing wall of Mahdlgupf. A long, sweaty workout pulling on metal pegs, admiring climbing lines on the adjacent faces that are way too hard for us.

Castor, Zermatt
Apr 21st 2019

Castor on Skis

The forecast was looking quite poor for the coming week, so we spent our weather window on the ski up/down Castor from the Ayas Hut. After trimming his skins to size(!), Will and I opted to make a depot lower down for speed, while the others lugged their kit to the top to enjoy the drop-in from the summit ridge. A windy day with a hard snowpack which made the skiing quite unpleasant, followed by crevasse rescue practice and ash-tray grappa for dessert!

Breithorn, Zermatt
Apr 20th 2019


Is this the easiest 4000m peak in the Alps? Despite several trips to Zermatt I'd never made the short plod from the lift station across to the summit, so it was a good choice for our day 1 tour warmup. After a short ski down we traversed around to the Ayas Hut in Italy for the night.